Er adoption for børnenes eller adoptivforældrenes skyld? Af Stina Ørregaard Andersen I 2015 blev 97 børn adopteret til Danmark fra udlandet. Det er langt færre end tidligere, men nogle…
Kategori: Adoptionsforskning
Youngeun Koo recently completed an MSc in Migration Studies at the University of Oxford. Her dissertation looked at political mobilisation by transnational Korean adoptees in Denmark.
The politics of belonging: Transnational Korean adoptees in Denmark By Youngeun Koo 27/10/2015 The original site In recent years, transnational adoption has become a much-contested area. The long-held…
Anmeldelse af “Adoptionens Slagmarker” i Information d. 22. oktober 2015
Skandalerne, der burde have væltet adoptionssystemet Dorrit Saietz sætter sagen om Amy fra Etiopien ind i en større historie, som bør få enhver forsvarer for transnational adoption til at vakle….
En oversigt over weekendens adoptionspolitiske arrangementer
Det bliver en spændende weekend og medierne har igen belyst adoptionspolitikken i Danmark som optakt til 1. behandling af den nye reviderede adoptionslov d. 23.oktober 2015. FREDAG D. 23….
A Critical Voice of Transnational Adoption in Denmark by Yong Sun Gullach, Chairwoman
A Critical Voice of Transnational Adoption in Denmark Date: August 28, 2015 My name is Yong Sun Gullach, I am the present Chairwoman of Forum for Adoption Politics….
Denmark, 25 August 2015 We, the Danish organizations Forum for Adoption Politics, Openness in Adoption, and Think Tank Adoption express our heartfelt concern, support and solidarity with first families in…